
No paper waste. Easy to use. Fast.

Building process

  • Project Description

    Bizy: all you need to know about us

    Read More
  • Problem&Idea validation

    Discovering our customers

    Read More
  • Wireframe and Landing Page

    Read More
  • User Experience

    Getting real feedback from potential clients

    Read More
  • Validation 2

    Customer interaction with our landingpage

    Read More
  • Market research

    Competition, value and revenue

    Read More
  • MVP

    Creating a Minimum Viable Product

    Read More
  • First Sale

    Sharing our application and gaining feedback

    Read More

Milestone #1

Identified Problem


Business meetings are the fastest way of growing up your business. Meeting with people means creating new connections, exchanging ideas and evolving. The problem is that you meet new people whose names you forget the next second you hear. The simplest solution would be to use business cards in order to keep track of your new acquaintances, but these either end up in the trash or in a drawer and when you need them, searching through them is a time consuming process.

Another problem identified is beeing at a social gathering where you meet new people, or even known people, you socialize and at the end you realise that you have been chatting with someone all night and you did not exchange phone numbers or even Facebook progiles. This is the moment when you realise that you can not keep in touch with that person until the next gathering (maybe).

Proposed solution


Bizy is a cross-platform application that allows both the exchange of personal data with somebody else in a simple and quick manner and a fast searching engine. Just by touching your phone, your profile is automatically sent to the other user: name, phone, email, social media profiles, job related info and anything else that comes to your mind, using the additional data field.

Our application also allows you to get the list of participants from a certain event that you attended using the Maybe you know list. If they want to share their profile with the other guests, you may quickly link to them and find out, for example, who can become your next employer.

Bizy can be simply used by anyone, even if they are teens or adults, even if they are students. Anyone can create their profile and exchange data.

Our product is oriented in saving the environment. By using Bizy, the consumption of the materials that business cards are crafted from will drop and an increase in productivity will be spotted. The application brings lots of gains both for people and environment.

Targeted customer segment


The targeted segment is the business segment because business meetings end up with cards exchanges. This segment can benefit from our fast exchange application that will increase their productivity.

But the business segment is not the only one targeted by Bizy. Anyone can use our application because it is easy and has an intuitive interface. Even if you are a student, maybe at an interview you have the occasion to exchange data with your interviewer, or maybe you meet someone at a social event that gets interested in your background experience and it end up with you beeing hired. The application will help you exchange data with anyone and will increase your professionalism.


Classic business cards

Classical business cards


ABBYY Business Card Reader








Our advantages

  • 1. NFC technology that allows fast exchange of data
  • 2. PeopleAround technology that allows you to collect data from people around
  • 3. Fast search engine that allows you to search using keyords from all available fields
  • 4. Complex profile that allows you to add Facebook, Twitter, Skype, GitHub, LinkedIn and even your personal blog

Key metrics

  • 1. How fast is the data transfer?
  • 2. How easy is the data transfer?
  • 3. How easy is the application usage?
  • 4. How fast is the search engine?
  • 5. How protected is your data using PeopleAround?
  • 6. How good is the AI predictor that suggests people after using PeopleAround?
  • 7. How many people download&use the application?
  • 8. What is the average age of people interested in our application?

Cost structure


Regarding costs, we have to mention fixed and variable costs. Since we are at the beginning, variable costs are absent, but we still have some fixed costs that imply, mainly, the development of the application.

    Fixed costs

    Rent, Utilities, Maintenance
    Software (licenses, subscriptions)
    Marketing & Advertisement
    Bank charges

Revenue streams


Main sources of revenue are:

    Free trial application download (10 contacts can be added)
    Partners that want the application for their employees
    Extend contact limit with certain amount
    Application with no limits and no advertisements
    Advertisements from the free application

Milestone #2

Identifying the problem


The idea appeared when one of us was taken to a business meeting by his father. After long discussions, all the participants exchanged these coloured, small pieces of paper named business cards. The first question that came into his mind was: "Why do they still use these paper cards when they can use their smartphones? It has to be an application for that.".

After some research, at that time, there was no application for doing this exchage quick and simple. Moreover, the people that were involved in the meeting were asked the same question and they replied that they do not know about such an application, but it would be useful and more esier to search through all of these cards when you need an info. Also, asked to be honest and say what are they going to do with what they received, they said that probably it will be kept in a stack full of other business cards in their office.

For that moment, we could only conclude that is was not the right time for such an upgrade because it could not fulfill the needs of the people that would use it and also that there is a problem that can be solved.

Some years later, we are still asking people the same question, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using paper business cards, what do they think about using their phone in order to exchange these data and why do they still feel the need of using these cards.

Solution for the problem


Having the clear problem in mind, we decided that the solution that would best solve it is connecting people attending the same meeting easier with their most used tool, smartphones.

We believe in Bizy as an application that will be capable of storing the relevant information for a person and be ready to exchange it at any moment. The person will allow Bizy to share the data that he desires from his profile. The core is time effieciency and increase in producitivity because the more people connect and build together, the better projects are developed.

Moreover, our connecting application can be used as a searching and information gathering tool regarding the events attended and its people. A standard feature we consider is "Maybe you know". A curious mind can use this feature to discover certain persons with similar interests or job roles, eager to get in touch.

Bizy also understands the problems the environment is facing and aims to help by providing the online alternative of traditional printed bussiness cards. Migrating into online encourage people to stop producing a considerable ammount of paper, that most of the time ends up lost between documents.

Plan for customer discovery


In order to gather usefull information about the potential client we thought that it would help to give questionnaires to young people, fresh graduates or bachelor students mainly (an easier segment due to the fact that we can reach the segment faster), people in the business environment (the segment we think that is going to embrace our solution the most) and older people(the segment from which we don't expect the most clients but we wanted to know how much our idea represents a solution for them too because it is important when creating the MVP).

Reaching the first segment of potential clients is easier because the age difference is not that big and the communication is easier. We are interested in finding out how they transfer information between them currently, not focusing on things like chatting but more precisely what the chatting contains(e-mail addresses, phone numbers, or any other form of identification). This segment is somehow volatile, new applications are created quite frequentely and we would need to keep up with the pace in order to keep the interest as fresh as possible with easy access to the newest application after the accounts would be shared.

For the second segment we are interested to see if the problem we are trying to solve is actually a problem for them. Because we know we address to business people we know that the information transfer is more formal(e-mail addresses, calls, conferences) and each information needed for this kind of communication usually is represented by another account which needs to be somehow shared, process that may take quite a while considering personal preferences and the evolution of such methods of communication. To reach this segment we could give questionnaires to people we know from our internships, people from companies that we worked or work for, and ask our acquiantances to spread the word and pass the questionnaire we created.

From the third segment is important to gather information about what are the main methods to communicate(face to face, online, calls, etc.). This information is usefull because there is a high chance that the potential clients from this segment may not use diverse methods of communication so if our idea would sound good for them, we would probably need to adapt our solution in such a way that it is not only providing a way of accessing an existing method but integrate it in order to provide a familiar and at the same time new experience.

Validating the problem using gathered data


We have shared our form in various places, and we have got 86 responses.

For the demographics, we have more male responders than female responders, and the age group that is represented in the strongest fashion is the 18-24 year old people.

About half of the people who answered claimed to participating to social events at least once a week, with about 37% participating at least twice a week to such events.

The most popular data to exchange is the name, phone number and Facebook profile, although we cannot ignore the company and role in it, the Instagram profile or the E-mail address, each of these having at least a 29% popularity among the respondents.

The most common solution, by far, used by our responders was the phonebook, although on the second place (at about 18% of the responses) we notice physical business cards as being a semi-popular choice.

As for the most common complaints, two issues have been encountered by more than half of our respondents, namely forgetting to exchange contact details between the participants and simply not getting to know all of them. A few other responses that have showed up in the responses relate to knowledge about the events themselves, as in knowing the host, how formal the event is or the kind of event in the first place.

If our responders were to create their own profile to be easily shared, they would choose to share simple contact details, such as name, profile photo, phone number and E-mail address. A significant amount of responders also said that they want to share what company they work at and their role there as well. Relatively fewer want to share LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other social media profiles.

The most preferred method to share such a profile is via a mobile/web app, although a public profile available on a social media website seems to also be preferred by half of our respondents. Business cards are also chosen by nearly one third of them.

As for places where such a contact data exchance feels needed, there are four situations which are roughly equally represented: Parties, interviews, business meetings and first encounters.

More than 66% of our respondents participated in at most 5 business meetings, although a non-negligible amount (about 15%) were at the other extreme and have participated at more than 25 such meetings. Roughly similar proportions can be noticed in the data for the amount of physical business cards that each responder has used.

Most of our respondents store away business cards after receiving them, although slightly more than a quarter copied the data somewhere else and threw away the card itself; these two categories make up more than three quarters of the responses we've received altogether.

Users have various reasons to consider business cards attractive, including but not limited to ease of use, completeness of the information, ease of use or ease of storing them away. As for cons to using them, more than 60% of our users consider that pollution (from the ink and paper/metal) and the fact that the information on them easily goes out of date make up the most important issues with them, though 40% of users simply consider them unpopular.

For the data exchanged at business meetings, most of our respondents shared names, phone numbers, E-mail addresses, as well as the company they're working at and their role there. A less popular but still notable data point, at roughly 28%, is the LinkedIn profile.

As for issues in using business cards, nearly 60% of our respondents complain about failing to associate the business card with the actual person they received it, thus making the business card less useful. Other two issues that were popular and tied for second place, at roughly 43%, were one of the participants not having a business card and thus having to write down the info on either paper or the phone manually.

For the data that the respondents actually look up in the business cards, the recurring pattern of name, phone number, mail address, company and role within the company shows up again.

The problems actually encountered by the respondents can be split in the following categories: data on the cards becoming outdated, failing to find the person among too many business cards, or the info on said cards being irrelevant anyway.

As for how much the respondents would spend on an app that would resolve the problem, a quarter wouldn't spend anything, a third would spend up to 2$, while another fifth would spend between 3$ and 5$. In total, nearly three quarters of the responses are up to 5$, and more than half are up to 3$.

Learning from possible customers


As result of our validation campaign, the results from our surveys are very encouraging. As a majority of our possible client base, we have answers from young adults and adults that are participating to social events more than one time per week, business events or casual events. In terms of what information is exchanged between individuals, when they want to keep in touch with each other there are a couple of elements that come to our attention: name, phone number and Facebook profile. All this information is saved on the phone of each individual in their phone's contacts and on Facebook app.

An encouraging fact for us is that people signaled a need in providing, through an app, a personalised profile that they want to share with other new peers in their social context. From our data, they want to share the most: a profile picture, name, company name and phone number. Moreover, one of the most important challenge that they face in big events is that they don't have the opportunity to get to know all people.

Some of the key challenges that we have observed with the traditional contact card are: the information on the card could become outdated and the card can be easily lost. There is one thing to mention, it can exist an unfortunate moment when a person doesn't have a card when the cards are exchanged and this can become frustrating for all the parts involved.

Presenting our solution, most of the people that answered the survey showed interest for the idea even if the service could be a charged product.

Making baby steps in the good direction


After analyzing the survey data, we noticed people's desire to use a mobile application that would allow a fast data transfer using NFC technology.

At the same time, after analyzing the survey data, we observed the need for people to give up the use of business cards.

We notice that the majority of people would prefer a mobile application, so we need some time in developing a mobile application maybe compatible with both Android and IOS.

The next step is to implement the application and to combine our ideas with the ideas of potential users who completed the survey. After implementing the application, we will share the application with close friends. If we receive positive feedback, we will improve it and launch it for other users as well.

Milestone #3

Wireframe and Landing Page


Now that we analyzed why Bizy is an application that enhances productivity, we invite you to visit our landing page.


Up to now, we can only imagine how Bizy would look like, but we promise it would be awesome.

Milestone #4

User Experience



43 years, Entrepreneur, Brutaria Mariucai, Drobeta-Turnu Severin

Bio: a successful entrepreneur that created his business in a domain that neither him or his wife had prior knowledge

Needs: an easier way to enlarge his business by attracting more and more clients


63 years, Retired (Engineer), Timisoara

Bio: passionate about technology and radio emissions; learning programming

Needs: an application where people can advertise what they need and what they can do in order to solve your problems faster


60 years, Supply Office, Drobeta-Turnu Severin

Bio: dynamic person that knows everyone in the city and keeps track of all his connections

Needs: an easier way to reach to suppliers


35 years, Entrepreneur/Manager (software company), Bucharest

Bio: having his own company since university, he managed to make a successful business from his dream

Needs: portability, such as an application that can provide you the contact info you need wherever you are


58 years, Energetic Engineer, Drobeta-Turnu Severin

Bio: after beeing a branch manager at a company with both national and international projects, he changed his workplace for a more challenging experience

Needs: maybe something that can expose more of the company's potential


35 years, Ethical Hacker and Head of Professional Services

Q: Are you an entrepreneur?

A: No, but I have an Authorized Physical Person and I have contracts separate from my workplace.

Q: Have you ever took part in business meetings?

A: Mostly conferences and negotiation meetings for pentests.

Q: What is the purpose of business cards in a business meetings?

A: I think they are useful in order for the other people to keep your name in mind.

Q: Do you have one? Have you ever used them?

A: Yes, from the companies that I worked for. When I was a consultant for a company, after closing a deal, I presented them with my business card.

Q: How did you manage to store them?

A: In a small stack of 20, let's say, business portcard, tied up.

Q: What did you find difficult about them? Is it painful to search between them?

A: Maybe, but I like looking over them. The bad part is the waste of paper, because most of the cases, you simply throw it in the trash.

Q: Did you try using your phone in order to store the data? Maybe different applications?

A: Not really. I mean, in extreme cases, I use notes in order to save the data, but mostly, I use the contacts to save the name and the phone number.

Q: What are the key data regarding a person that you would like to save for late use?

A: Definitely a profile picture, data about the company, the position, phone number, email. I would use these data in order to know better who am I talking to.

User stories


As a client, I want to keep all my contacts in a single place so that I can access all the info easily.

As a client, I want all the contact info to be updated so that I can still reach people when I need them.

As a client, I want to find people by their interests so that I can call them if I need their help.

As a client, I want to be notified about people around me so that I know their job and position.

As a client, I want business cards with pictures so that I can associate names with faces.

As a client, I want all the other businesses on an application so that if I need their services, I can contact them fast.

User flows



As a conclusion, we found out that people would like to use an application that is able to store all the data about their contacts. Mostly, the idea is validated, but we found out other features that people would like to see.

The "aha moment" was when we found out that people would willingly share their data with all people around in order to find out what they are searching for. This means that our application may become a little bit similar to a socializing platform where people offer and request things.

The main focus for now is the swing between keeping an application that is portable and only keeps the contacts that you have (you exchanged data with) and the "maybe you know" contacts, and an application that is able to keep data from all the people around the world that want to share their knowledges with the others. The later one may involve some GDPR practices, but it may be more useful that the first one.

Stay tuned in order to find out more about our progress.

Milestone #5

Validation 2

Making landingpage better

We made a couple of changes to the landing page in order for it to be more appealing to the public as follows:

  • when the page loads the user sees a how our application looks and can download it; changed the logo that we initially had with our own
  • Bogdan
  • on the "Learn about us" section we rephrased the text such that it is less technical
  • Bogdan
  • for the "Building process" section we added some nice colors and changed the view for a better user experience
  • Bogdan
  • apart from the english version of the page we created a romanian version in order to cover a bigger percent of potential customers
  • we added Hotjar and Google Analytics for both versions of the page(english and romanian)

Going global

Social networking

After the new landingpage was finished, all of us started to share it on all the social networks we could reach. The main social platforms were Facebook and Whatsapp and, as we will see in the following sections, these two brought us the majority of the views on the landingpage.





Welcoming our new users

For every subscription to our newsletter, a personalized e-mail is sent to the new subscriber using Google services.


Our subscribers

Using the embedded Google Formular in our page we managed to attract a number of 16 subscribers which are going to be the first persons notified regarding any product updates.


Data provided by Google Analytics

How people discovered us

After sharing on multiple social networks, people started to access the landingpage.


Counting users

After making the landingpage public, we analyzed the increase of interest for it. As it can be observed more and more and people started to access the landingpage in a relative short period of time.


Locating users

As it was expected the vast majority of new accesses came from romanian users, but the landingpage was also visited by users from other countries such as: United States of America, France, Belgium, and others.


Accesses by city

After seeing the big picture and creating a snapshot of our potential users at a global scale we wanted to narrow the frame down to a more accurate location for a better understanding of the background for each individual.

Data provided by Hotjar

Interaction with the page on a PC

We were interested in finding out what content from the page presents the most interest for the potential clients. As it can be seen the hottest zones are represented by the state of the application and the download options, especially the Google Play button. From the total number of clicks on the page, we summed up a percent of 17,24 only for the download buttons.


Interaction with the page on a smartphone

A very important part of the research is based on the mobile interaction with the landing page due to the fact that our product will mainly be available for Android and iOS. Even though the mobile version of the page was not very user-friendly, we still obtained a total number of 101 clicks from the total number for the accesses on mobile, representing 15,25%.


Scrollmap for the PC version of the page

Despite our expectations, the users's enthusiasm did not shrink that much and an impressive percent of roughly 60% reached the download buttons from the bottom of the page.


Scrollmap for the mobile version of the page

The poor rendering of the landingpage on a smartphone display caused a faster lost in interest for the text areas present in the body of the page. Even though we had this problem, 37,2% of the visitors still reached the bottom of the page.



After sharing the landingpage for a certain amount of time, we discovered that users from all around the world gained interest in our product and social media publicity played an important role in spreading the word about our new application that is going to be available soon for general use.
Moreover, Hotjar provided useful information about the user retention rate and how big is the interest in downloading our application. We were happy to conclude that from a total number of 651 page views(desktop + mobile), approximately 30% of the clicks had the download buttons as their target.

Milestone #6

Market research

Size of the target market

The most important part of our research is the part where we find out who is the product addressing. After we conducted the survey, we found out that people from 18 to, at least, 60 years present an interest in our application. This is a satisfying fact because between these two numbers, there are around 5 billion people eager to test our application. Of course, from all of them, only a part will be really interested in our product, but it is important to know how big is the potential market that we are targeting.

From this huge number, we have to subtract the people that do not posses a smartphone and also the persons that may not present interest for our innovation. This may lead to a percent of about 50-60%, which it still represents a big part of the market.

In order to reach to as many people as we can, the application will be available first in English and Romanian and, after that, we are going to offer a variety of other languages such as: German, Spanish, Italian and meny others.


It is essential to analyze the Competitors segment, as it provides relevant information about the target market, whether it can potentially grow, or if our solution can obtain a valuable market share, based on the existing products. Starting by searching for business card applications, we found our main competitors and determined aproximatively their size, their main advantage in the market and their share. Our main competitors we were able to discover are presented as follows.



CamCard is the app to manage and exchange business cards, the perfect fit for sales people, entrepreneurs, business developers or marketing experts, and anyone who want to be one. It can scan and store your business cards, never miss a card, exchange e-cards with people nearby, search contacts’ company news to start a good conversation and navigate to contact. addresses in Map



ScanBizCards is a Business Card Scan app that offers the user the option to scan a business card on the phone or submit the card for a 100%-accurate human transcription. The app can export cards to CRM platforms like Salesforce and SugarCRM, scan conference badges: Stop renting scanners or using pen and paper to capture contacts at conferences and events and scan badges at trade shows using your phone.. The ScanBizCards app acts as both - a business card reader and a conference badge scanner is an ideal solution to Sync Trade Show Leads to CRM and batch scan.

Business Card Scanner by Covve


Covve offer accurate business cards scanner using Covve’s AI powered card reader. It can automatically read more than 30 languages, easily add notes, tags and location and organize and search on an intuitive and powerful interface



BizConnect is the business card scanner that digitizes data with 100% accuracy by leveraging AI and OCR. BizConnect is a structured and integrated personal CRM that manages your contacts to boost sales performance by whooping 43%



CardHQ is 3 times faster than other name card scanner apps. We currently have over 250,000 business cards in our database with almost 7,000 registered users. Which means on average each user has scanned 35 cards. The app can scan multiple cards at once, auto send introduction email for each name card scanned and auto backups all cards

Bussiness card book


Bussiness card book is a sharing virtual bussiness cards app. The user can have all your scanned and digital business cards in the mobile business card holder, share by NFC, Bluetooth, SMS, E-mail, Beacons, QR codes and show digital business cards during incoming calls

Potential market share

Now that we know who we are addressing and who is our main competition, we have to think about sharing the target market. All the principal competitors already hold a certain part of the market and their users may be hard to convince to use another application.

Looking on the mobile applications market share, we figured out that our application may fall into the "Social Media" group, which brings some interesting statistics such as:

  • global average of daily social media app usage 2 hours, 16 minutes
  • social apps are responsible for 50% of app usage time
  • social media apps are the most frequently used type of app, according to 39% of smartphone owners

After numerous articles read, we found out that from the total amount of applications downloaded in 2020, an impressive 15% is represented by the social media applications on the AppStore and another impressive 10% of the Google Play market. Moreover, this category is in top 5 most searched categories, which provides us an interesting opportunity to grow our business.

We managed to find out how many downloads each application from our competition has, in order to imagine how big they are and how big the market is. Also, we included the smaller competition, because there are multiple applications that do the same thing, but each of them in a different way. These applications are not that popular so we added them in the section named "Others" on each table.

Initial market share
Solution Estimated Users Market Share
CamCard 10 000 000 78.61%
ScanBizCards 1 000 000 7.86%
Covve 100 000 0.78%
BizConnect-Business Card Reader 100 000 0.78%
CardHQ 10 000 0.07%
other smaller apps 1 500 000 11.79%

As each great application starts with a great plan, we thought about the market share and how we are going to reach to our clients in order to attract as many as we can. This is the most important step because we have to think how we can "steal" users from our competitors and what are the main features that differentiate us from the competition.

So for the first 5 years after the launch of Bizy, the projected market share is as follows:

1st Year
Solution Market Share
CamCard 78.6%
ScanBizCards 8.86%
Covve 2.12%
Bizy 1%
BizConnect-Business Card Reader 0.78%
CardHQ 0.07%
other smaller apps 8.5%
2nd Year
Solution Market Share
CamCard 74.6%
ScanBizCards 8.36%
Bizy 6.5%
Covve 2.12%
BizConnect-Business Card Reader 0.2%
CardHQ 0.07%
other smaller apps 8.08%
3rd Year
Solution Market Share
CamCard 73.6%
Bizy 12.8%
ScanBizCards 6.36%
Covve 0.28%
BizConnect-Business Card Reader 0.2%
CardHQ 0.07%
other smaller apps 6.62%
4th Year
Solution Market Share
CamCard 70.2%
Bizy 15.8%
ScanBizCards 6.86%
Covve 0.28%
BizConnect-Business Card Reader 0.1%
CardHQ 0.07%
other smaller apps 6.62%
5th Year
Solution Market Share
CamCard 70.2%
Bizy 22.8%
ScanBizCards 2.98%
Covve 0.28%
BizConnect-Business Card Reader 0.1%
CardHQ 0.07%
other smaller apps 3.5%

From the tables above, we can see the fast-growth of our application and how we are going to reach around 31.8% of the market share in the fist five years. This is a plan that is going to be changed on our way to the main goal, but we are optimistically thinking about the future.

Market value

The mobile application development is going to be an industry of about $366.34 Million by 2027, as a study shows. This is a huge amount of money invested in developing new technologies and new applications for both the entertainment and the productivity of the users. Even if the 10-15% of the market is represented by Social Media applications, from those, we can only think of about 10-20% to be allocated for applications that use business cards which leads to around $6.6 Million.

The numbers presented in the tables above are only possible if the application will be available worldwide, because the romanian market is way smaller and by shrinking the targeted users around 18-60 years old, we are subtracting a big amount from them.

In the following table we present the next five years and how we are going to increase our income every year.

Market Value in the first 5 years
Year Market Share Market Value
1 1% $0.066 Millions
2 6.5% $0.429 Millions
3 12.8% $0.8448 Millions
4 15.8% $1.04 Million
5 22.8% $1.50 Million

Milestone #7


Learning from feedback

Up to now, we managed to gain an incredible feedback from our questionnaires and our landingpage, as described in the previous milestones. We found out that such an application can be useful to a lot of people and we also found how they would imagine the application would work.

The landing page brought us the most important info: people are attracted to our product and they want to download the application. The download button received around 30% of the total number of clicks. Moreover, around 50% of the people read all the content of our landing page, which tells us that the interest in our product exists.

After this period of validation, we wanted to get to the next level: an MVP. An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in our case has to support the creation and the personalization of a public profile, the contact list, the numerous ways of sharing your data and an easy to connect interface. Moreover, the user interface has to be friendly and easy to use, so we wanted to create something simple and intuitive that would bring as many early adapters as it could.

Crafting in progress...

Starting from the feedbacks, we added some features to the project and redesigned others in order to fulfill both the principal purpose of our application and the needs of our users.

We wanted to target as many people as we could so we started developping both an Android application and a Web one. By doing so, we can get to the users that use these two platforms and also to the users that posses an iOS device by accessing the web version. We also added a Google login method in order to simplify the user interaction.

By using the web application, a user can create a profile, can search for other users, can change his profile and can exchange his data using the QR method. While searching, a user can filter the results by distance or by using specific keywords. Moreover, he can search only in his contacts or he can look for people that made their profile public.

After creating the web variant, we oriented to Android because it is the most used operating system for smartphones. The mobile version has to allow the users to do the same things. In addition to those features, we had to provide the NFC support for sharing the data, the email option for sharing data, a modified visual interface and a more intuitive way of interacting with users.

Now that we have a working prototype ready to go, we can start sharing it and collecting our early adapters.

We also added a feedback screen in both variants of the application in order to know what works and what users like or dislike about our product. By getting feedback we are able to improve the user experience.

The web application is available using the website and the mobile version is available by downloading the apk.

There are two videos from both versions of the application below.

As a conclusion, we managed to creat an application where the user is able to create a profile, keep track of his contacts (even if any of them changes their data), locate contacts on the map, search for new contacts, exchange his profile using QR, email or NFC and the most important, an intuitive interface. The key feature for our application is the NFC data exchange because it is simple and fast. Just by touching two phone, people will become connected and their data will be synchronised whenever one of them updates his profile.

We added the map and the posiblitity of looking for other people around you because in the first feedbacks, someone mentioned this feature and we thought it may be useful.

To the three methods of sharing your profile, we can add more in the future releases. Moreover, we can improve our UI based on user feedback and many other features may become available in the future.

Milestone #8

First Sale

After sharing our application on different social media platforms, we were able to collect some feedback from our potential clients. Having this feedback, we were constantly fixing problems and adding new features to the project.

We chose to share our application on Facebook groups (Innovation Labs 2018 included), WhatsApp groups and even we send the links in private to different persons that we knew their opinion is valuable and also that may become our early adapters.

The first feedbacks received were about the GDPR and the fact that we did not mention that data added by the users in our application will be public and any other logged user may see it. For solving this quickly, we added the mention and the warning on the webpage that the profiles will be public by default. We also added on the mobile version the option to make your profile private, so people that are concerned about their data can still test our application, but their data will not be displayed in the search section.

Another feedback we received was that even if the interface was pretty intuitive, we have to mention what our application does because sceptical people will not want to sign in with google until they know it is safe. Te quick fix for this one was the about screen in the android application that is a short description of what Bizy does and how you can interact with the application.

Moreover, we added a feedback form so people can tell us anonymously what to improve, what they like and what they dislike about our product. From the feedbacks collected we understood that:

  • people need a more complex profile including a profile picture (a feature that we planned to add)
  • years of experience may be useful
  • maybe we should add some rating (we still do not know how to combine this feature with what we have)
  • there are some problems with the location on the web variant
  • we must have support for iOS and check Safari browser for compatibility issues
  • it would be nice to automatize the NFC activation process and keep it active for 10s (but this is an Android feature)
  • maybe we should focus on improving the UI
  • We asked the users how would they rate our interface and how difficult is to interact with it and we got a score of 1.83/10 which means that people managed very well to use our product. The lower it is, the easier it is for people to use.

    People were enthuziast that we offer them a large variety of ways to share their profile, including NFC, QR and email. Moreover, people liked that we included Google Maps in our product so anyone is able to see where are his contacts or even more, where can he meet his next friend. The color contrast was another feedback regarding good things for our application.

    A nice to have feature mentioned in the feedback is the posiblitity to share one of your contacts to another one. This means that the two people will become friends because of you and we are really taking into account this feature because it is useful.

    One of the feedbacks encouraged us to tell that the application is "optimal in terms of protection against Coronavirus" because you do not need to exchange the plastic/paper card with other people, you can simply bump your phones and you're done.

    We also aked for a price for our application and we calcuated an average price of 6$, but we can provide the application for free as long as we gain enough money from advertisements and from other paid features.

    As a general rating for our application, we managed to get a 9.67/10 and the probability of people recommending us to their friends is 9.5/10.

    As a conclusion, the prototype worked really well and we can now go to the next level and start working hard for our success.

    Our Awesome Team

    We have created a new product that will help designers, developers and companies create websites for their startups quickly and easily.
    Bogdan Cristian Firuti
    Project Manager
    Ionut Mihalache
    Back-End Developer
    Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin Vrajitoru
    Back-End Developer
    Paul-Stelian Olaru
    Full Stack Developer
    Cristin Sirbu
    Front-End Developer
    Daniel-Serban Cozma
    Front-End Developer